David Your Goliath.

We’ve all been there before. “Oh God, why me” , “Why is life so hard”, “Why does this always happen to me” and the many other countless murmurings we make whilst faced with adversity. In the words of my spiritual mother, Pastor Sarah Brown, “Some obstacles are for your advertisement [and] for God’s name to be glorified.” Truth be told, there is no problem that our great God cannot solve. Our job, is to in EVERYTHING, continually give Him thanks. Nothing is too big or too small for God to handle. He may not be the one behind the pain, sufferings or affliction but rest assured He will bring out the best from it.

In John 9, we read of the story of the blind man who received healing for sight. In verse 3, Jesus answers the disciples that neither the man nor his parents were to take the blame for his blindness and that his blindness is strictly to be used to glorify God.

but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him

Once this man received his healing, it became his testimony to go and declare the miracle that Jesus had performed in his life. Likewise, the tests that we go through and have overcome should also be our testimony to bear witness to the goodness of God and to feed faith into those who are seeking hope out of their own obstacles.

There is a quote that says, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”You’ll never know the power that you carry until you are faced with a situation that requires you to use it. God uses problems to prove your faith in Him.  In your trying times, do you still believe in God?

It’s also revelatory to know that many times, a lot of the problems we face are caused by self due to disobedience to the word of God. Even then, our God is still merciful when we turn back to him wholeheartedly.

When we have faith in God, there is no mountain  that cannot be removed.

Rid yourself of murmuring and complaining today. The Israelite complained and their 40 day journey turned to 40 years in the wilderness. Instead, when face with adversity, ask yourself …

  1. What is God trying to tell me?
  2. What can I learn from this situation?
  3. How do I overcome this problem?

Give yourself to prayer, let God use you for His glory.and expect to triumph.


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